
How to achieve a +2 NPS improvement using gamification

How to achieve a +2 NPS improvement using gamification

Hi Visitor,

I hope this information finds you well.

Just being curious…. have you heard about gamification – as a way to incorporate games and fun into work teams?

I had the opportunity to lead many contact center operations, from local to regional to global. A few years ago I decided to become an ally for other leaders, based on consulting, training and software, using gamification as a way to generate motivation, recognition and operational results.

If we know that the 80% of operational budget is people, then it makes sense to think in a motivation strategy consistent with the operational results you are looking for. The +2 NPS improvement.

As one of my clients states (and you can see it in our webpage):

«Motivarnos.com allowed us to improve the performance results of the group of participants (AHT, ACW, etc.), improve team spirit, integration and also, in some cases, the self-improvement aspect.» Marcelo Greco, Customer Services Manager, La Caja de Ahorro y Seguros.

This is why I would like to invite you to an exploration talk for the next few days.

Let me know your thoughts.
